button |
result |
w |
move forward |
a |
move to the left |
s |
move downwards |
d |
move to the right |
> or . |
rotate left around the z-axis |
? or / |
rotate right around the z-axis |
↑ |
rotate left around the y-axis |
← |
rotate right around the y-axis |
↓ |
rotate left around the x-axis |
→ |
rotate right around the x-axis |
1 or ! |
rotate all numbers right around their z-axis |
2 or @ |
rotate all numbers left around their z-axis |
3 or # |
rotate all numbers right around their y-axis |
4 or $ |
rotate all numbers left around their y-axis |
5 or % or € |
rotate all numbers right around their x-axis |
6 or ^ |
rotate all numbers left around their x-axis |